So, what exactly do you do?
Ma*, we’ve talked about this. And did you just search for me on the internet??
*If you’re not my mother, please go back and read About.
How do you pronounce your name?
Tracie. Like Daisy with a Tr.
No, the rest of your name.
du-Toy, like the Dutch. Or du-Twah, like the French. A train porter in Peru once called me The Twat. He was so earnest, I hadn’t the heart to correct him. But no, don’t call me that.
I just want a quick logo. I know exactly what I want. In fact, I made it myself on PowerPoint. I just need you to clean it up for me. And add shadows. Just an hour of your time, because I’ve done most of the work anyway. Can you help me?
Um. No.
We're an agency/design house, and we'd like to outsource some work. Would you be interested?
Sure thing. I collaborate with other creatives and agencies from time to time. I always love working with great people. Email me and let's chat.
We'd like to employ you full time. Are you available?
If the work is rewarding and you have a solid sense of humour and values that align with mine, then possibly, yes. Email me and let's find out.
Where are you based? We're in Koryak Okrug. Can you help us?
Currently, in North Carolina. And yes, if you have an internet connection. I communicate with my clients regularly via video calls, text, email and even the occasional old fashioned post card.
Who/what is Lionheart Ink?
If you stumbled on to this site from a link or a business card for Lionheart Ink, yeah that’s me. My business used to be called that, but truly, I have no idea what I was thinking. (I made what I thought was a commendable effort to to explain it a little in The Road to Oz.) It sounded cool at the time, and I needed a website quickly. As expected, it didn't take me long to discover that there were probably five-too-many syllables in there. I cringed every time I had to spell it out for people.
"... No, not Inc. like incorporated. Ink, like writing ink... It was supposed to be a play on words, you know... like Inc., but with a k... ? Ok, anyway, so it’s Lima India Oscar Nightingale Hotel Echo... no, I said Nightingale... NIGHT-ING-GALE... like the bird... "
So instead, now I have to spell my name for people, which, honestly, is not that much better.